Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
-Ferris Bueller

I thought that quote was a good way to start off this post. It definitely speaks to how I feel lately. Juggling family, work, writing, powerlifting, and other hobbies, I’m admittedly pretty worn out. The last few months have been especially tiring. I say all that because I know my blog posts are few and far between and honestly, I don’t know if that will change any time soon.

However, I do want to make a conscious effort to at least provide updates on my writing several times of year as news comes in.

Therefore, I’m happy to announce that The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel books have new covers!

I liked the original covers as I felt they had a pulp feel to them that fit with the sword & sorcery/action adventure genre the stories fall into. But despite positive feedback on the stories and characters themselves, the series has never really gained traction like Blood & Tears or The Tyrus Chronicle.

So in an effort to bring more readers to the series, I had Mario Teodosio (creator of The Tyrus Chronicle covers) redo the Andrasta and Rondel covers in his style. Check them out below and leave your thoughts in the comments. Personally, I think they came out great!


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