Ask most people what their favorite Iron Maiden album from the Bruce Dickinson era is and you’re likely to get a lot of “Number of the Beast” answers or “Piece of Mind” or perhaps even “Powerslave.” I love all those albums, but the one I go back to the most with Bruce at the helm is Brave New World. So many good songs, I found it hard to only pick the five I did below.

The Wicker Man

Brave New World

Out of the Silent Planet

The Thin Line Between Love and Hate

Dream of Mirrors (One of my favorite Maiden songs)


3 Responses so far.

  1. Mike says:

    My first Maiden album and still one of my favorites. Got it at the CD Warehouse on Vets and remember cranking it at Sicily's in the morning before we opened. Good times. I might queue it up this morning. I also liked the follow-up, Dance of Death, that most people like to hate on.

  2. Joshua says:

    Dance of Death and No Prayer For the Dying are my least favorite Dickinson albums.

  3. Mike says:

    Whatever, man. Dance of Death is great. Horrible cover, though. lol

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