In January of 2014, I posted the following writing related goals. The results are bolded.
1. Write two to three books. This will probably be Book Three of The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel (currently working on this…about 35K into the rough draft), completing Book Two in The Tyrus Chronicle, and either working on Book Three in The Tyrus Chronicle or going back and doing Book Four of The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel series.
Done. I wrote The Tower of Bashan: The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel, Vol. 3 and published it this past summer. I also wrote Wayward Soldiers: The Tyrus Chronicle – Book 2 which is currently with my editor. I’ve started The Maze of Hidesi: The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel, Vol. 4 (over 50K written so far) and will finish it early this year.
I was hoping to be a bit further along in Volume 4, but overall it’s been a pretty productive year considering what I’ve published.
2. Publish four to five novels. This will be the first three books in The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel and at least the first book in The Tyrus Chronicle. I’m hoping I might be able to publish the second book in The Tyrus Chronicle as well, but I’ll have to play that by ear. If I do get it out it will probably be around December.
Done. I later decided it made more sense not to push things and publish four books in 2014 (still quite a bit of work) rather than kill myself and my wife trying to get one more out.
Overall, I’m pretty pleased with how the year turned out from a writing/publishing perspective.
2015 Writing Goals
1. Publish Wayward Soldiers: The Tyrus Chronicle - Book 2
1A. Hoping to get this published in February 2015.
2. Finish writing The Maze of Hidesi: The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel, Vol. 4
2A. Hoping to publish this in Late Summer 2015.
3. Write Resurrected Soldiers: The Tyrus Chronicle - Book 3
3A. Hoping to publish this in November or December 2015.
4. Start writing either Book Five in The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel series or possibly the last Tyrus book. This will depend mostly on my state of mind at the time I’m ready to start working on these.
5. Maybe publish a short story I’ve got lying around that needs a bit more polish and a cover. It would be a good way to get one more thing out this year from me if I can get it together.
6. Release the first three Andrasta and Rondel books in audio format. I’ve hired a voice actor/producer I’m really excited about these. The plan is for all three to be available before the summer months.
So, those are the writing goals. If I can accomplish all of it, I’ll consider it a very successful year.
What are your 2015 goals?
Sounds like a reasonable set of goals. I'm sure you can pull this off, barring unexpected life issues. I would make one suggestion (that you're free to ignore): publish at least one short story between the novels. It will keep new material out there, and who knows, you may have enough to publish a collection after a year or two.