Rocky is hands down my favorite movie of all time. I can quote them all with ease. Bill Conti’s Gonna Fly Now is one of my favorite songs of all time and obviously it has almost everything to do with the emotions I get from watching the movies. It’s hard not to get pumped up when the first few notes kick in.

Someone hand me some raw eggs!

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Mike says:

    Hahah... me and some neighbors were playing this game called "would you rather" the other day and one of the questions was would you rather have your favorite theme song play wherever you walk or some other question. I chose theme song and immediately queued up this song from my portable iPod radio I had. That was almost as awesome as the day I was lacing up my Chucks to get ready to face the day and this song came up on random on my iPod.

  2. When we were hiking up a road to see "Pretty Place" in NC, Robbie pulled out his phone and started blasting this. Me and mom started dying laughing, and of course thought of you!

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