Today’s blog post is brought to you by a loving parent who just happens to be REALLY tired as of late.

  • Both of our kids have short names for multiple reasons. I never thought that a huge plus of doing this is that it's much easier to say one syllable than 3+ when you’re constantly repeating your two year old’s name over and over and over. Makes me glad I didn’t name him Rumplestiltskin.
  • I’m sure I’ve said the words/phrases “stop.” “listen to me,” and “come here” more in the last 2 months than I have in the first 32 years of my life combined.
  • The prayers I say for my kids have gravitated from long term thoughts of prolonged health, success, happiness, obedience to God, and so on, to a more short term focus of “please just let her go to sleep” (for my 4 month old) and “please just let him listen” (for my 2 year old). Then there is the new reoccurring prayer for myself of “please let me be patient.” It’s amazing how your priorities shift at times. Ha.

FYI, these observations will be added to as my kids age…

2 Responses so far.

  1. Mike says:

    "I’m sure I’ve said the words/phrases “stop.” “listen to me,” and “come here” more in the last 2 months than I have in the first 32 years of my life combined."

    Oh man lol

  2. I totally heard Bill Cosby in there: "come here, Come Here, COME HERE...stop it, Stop It, STOP IT."

    Hang in there!

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